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The following should be true prior to calling Configure() on the TapResearchSDK:

  • You should have your callback methods implemented.
  • You should have the User Identifier set.

Now you can call Configure() on the TapResearchSDK. This will initialize the SDK and check for any unredeemed rewards.

Step 1: Setup

Supported versions

TapResearch only supports Unity v2017.4.0f1 and above.

Download the SDK

You can download the latest version of the TapResearch Unity SDK on GitHub. If you require a specific version you can download the SDK by tag on Github.

Integrate .unitypackage

Inside the TapResearchSDK directory, you will find TapresearchSDK.unitypackage. You can import the package by selecting Assets > Import Package > Custom Package... through the Unity menu.

External Dependency Manager

The SDK uses External Dependency Manager for Unity to integrate the native library dependencies. If the dependency manager is already installed on your app, you can remove the Dependency Manager files when importing the SDK. For the Android build, make sure the dependencies have been resolved by going to Assets => External Dependency Manager => Android Resolver => Resolve. For iOS, the plugin will add CocoaPods to the project and will import the dependencies in the Xcode project.

iOS Project Setup

  • Ensure you have the following inside the Assets > Plugins > iOS folder:
    • TapResearch.framework


The TapResearchSDK includes a post-process script that runs after compilation to add required frameworks and linker flags for iOS. If you're using a Windows machine to generate the Xcode project or if the script fails, you'll need to add the frameworks and set the linker flags manually.

  • Add the following frameworks to Target > Build Phases > Link Binary With Libraries:
    • Foundation.framework
    • UIKit.framework
    • SystemConfiguration.framework
    • MobileCoreServices.framework
    • AdSupport.framework
    • Security.framework

Linker Flags

  • Select the build settings tab and type in Other Linker Flags in the search field.
  • Add the following flag.
    • -ObjC

Android Project Setup

NOTE: As of SDK 2.5.0 External Dependency Manager will now include Kotlin stdlib .jars from JetBrains.
  • Ensure you have the following inside the Assets > Plugins > Android folder:
    • com.tapr.tapresearch-2.5.+.aar
    • com.tapr.tapresearch-2.5.+.aar

Step 2: Callbacks

Placement Delegate

A new delegate has been added which is used by the SDK to let the app know a placement is ready or not available.

You no longer need to initialize a placememt manually. When implementing the delegate, these callbacks will alert you of a new placement for you to store its status. Placements now call showSurveyWall() or displayEvent() with a new method overload.

        TapResearchSDK.OnPlacementUnavailable = this.OnPlacementUnavailable;
TapResearchSDK.OnPlacementReady = this.OnPlacementReady;

When implementing the delegate, you callbacks will alert you of a new placement for you to store its status. Placements are now passed at the time of showSurveyWall() with a new method overload.

void Awake()
public TRPlacement placement;

Reward Callbacks

The SDK will check if the user has unredeemed rewards in the following events:

  • On SDK initialization
  • When the user exits TapResearch

The RewardListener interface is the reward listener that will handle the new rewards that the player earned in a session. The object that implements the interface should be passed to TapResearchSDK.getInstance().setRewardListener to get activated.

The reward information will be encapsulated in the TRReward object with the following methods:

Method nameTypeDescription
TransactionIdentifierStringThe reward unique identifier
CurrencyNameStringThe virtual currency name
PlacementIdentifierStringThe placement that started the session identifier
RewardAmountintThe reward amount in virtual currency. The value will automatically be converted to your virtual currency based on the exchange rate you specified in the app settings.
PayoutEventintThe action that the user was rewarded for. 0 - Profile Complete, 3 - Survey Complete.

public class MyMainController : MonoBehaviour {
public void Awake() {
TapResearchSDK.Configure (YOUR_API_TOKEN);
TapResearchSDK.OnReceiveReward = this.OnReceiveReward;

private void OnReceiveReward(TRReward reward) {
Debug.Log ("You've earned " + reward.RewardAmount + " " + reward.CurrencyName + ". " + reward.TransactionIdentifier);

It is important to note that onReceiveReward will be called back-to-back if the player completed multiple surveys in one session.

Survey callback (Optional)

Assign a delegate if you want to be notified when the survey wall status changes.

public class MyMainController : MonoBehaviour {
public void Start() {
TapResearchSDK.OnSurveyWallOpened = this.OnSurveyWallOpened;
TapResearchSDK.OnSurveyWallDismissed = this.OnSurveyWallDismissed;

private void OnSurveyWallOpened () {
// Stop music, timers, etc.

private void OnSurveyWallDismissed () {
// Start music, timer, etc.

Step 3: Initialize

Initialize the TapResearchSDK as early as possible. Please note that the Configure() method only needs to be called once on app launch. Also, your iOS and Android apps have different API tokens. Use pre-processor directives so Unity knows which API token to use when you build your app.

using TapResearch;

const String ApiToken = "ios_api_token";
const String ApiToken = "android_api_token";

public class MyMainController : MonoBehaviour {
public void Awake()

Step 4: Set User Identifier

The next step will be to set a unique user identifier. Please note that without a unique identifier, the survey wall won't be available.


Our system only accepts User IDs with ASCII characters. If necessary, you can convert it to BASE64 before sending the User ID to us.

Step 5: Call Placements

A Placement is an object that should be attached to the app's call to action that will direct the users to TapResearch.

To view the available placements or creating a new one, navigate to the app settings in the Supplier Dashboard, and copy the placement's identifier.

The Placement is encapsulated in the TRPlacement object which contains metadata and the method to display the survey wall.

An Event is an object that should be attached to the TRPlacement that will prompt the users with a call to action if you have created one in your supplier dashboard for that specific placement. More on event setup can be found here: Sales & Events.

public TRPlacement tapresearchPlacement;

void Start()
TapResearchSDK.OnPlacementReady = this.OnPlacementReady;

void OnPlacementEventReady(TRPlacement placement)
//You can now store this placement to be shown with your Survey Wall.

void OnPlacementUnavailable(string expiredPlacement)
Debug.Log("Placement expired or refreshing: " + expiredPlacement);

More About Placements

  • The survey wall may or may not be available to a specific user and it's important to check survey availability before displaying the call to action.

  • A placement can only show the survey wall one time. Once the survey wall is dismissed, you'll have to initialize a new TRPlacement object if you wish the user to go back to TapResearch.

Display the survey wall

To display the survey wall, call the ShowSurveyWall on your TRPlacement object.


Displaying an Event (New!)

When placementReady has been called then you can call displayEvent on the placement you desire:

      if (mainPlacement.IsEventAvailable()) {
else {
mainPlacement.ShowSurveyWall(); //SurveyWall is still available if the placement is without an event.

To listen to the event Open and Dismissed actions, add the following callbacks.

      TapResearchSDK.OnEventOpened = this.OnEventModalOpened;
TapResearchSDK.OnEventDismissed = this.OnEventModalDismissed;

void OnEventModalOpened(TRPlacement placement)
Debug.Log("Event Modal Opened");

void OnEventModalDismissed(TRPlacement placement)
Debug.Log("Event Modal Dismissed");
Note: Calling `displayEvent` will show the first active event on the placement.

Server to server callbacks

You can read more about server to server callbacks.

(Debug) Troubleshooting

Test Devices:

Before you are ready to go live, the SDK can only work with a test device. Navigate to your dashboard and click the Add Devices button. Add a device name and a unique user identifier or a Google Advertising ID / Apple IDFA. Now, when you enter our survey flow through your app, you will be able to complete a test survey and receive a test reward when you re-open your app.

Survey wall isn't available:

If placement.IsSurveyWallAvailable is false, please reference the Android or iOS integration guides for further steps.

Android Debug Console Output:

To output debug info to logcat when generating an Android build, use the following:

TapResearchSDK.SetDebugMode (true);

Screen Orientation:

To force the application to render in landscape mode only, use the following screen orientation guide. Additionally, make sure to enable portrait in Unity player settings or in Xcode. For Unity, select "Auto Rotation" as default orientation and include your game's orientation in addition to portrait. TapResearch works better in portrait mode so using the player settings may result in some problems rendering the surveys.

Supplier Dashboard

Done: Going Live

Learn how to take the app live.


Please send all questions, concerns, or bug reports to